درخواست شغل اساتید
متقاضیان محترم لطفافرم زیررابه طور کامل ودقیق تکمیل نماییدویافایل رزومه خودراازطریق ورودی پایین صفحه upload فرمایید. تکمیل فرم هیچ گونه مسئولیتی برای این موسسه ایجادنخواهد نمود.

given name
marital status
date of birth
place of birth
place of residence
Home phone
Cell phone
what certificates and qualifications do you hold?
university major and degree
Teaching and other relevant employment history
please mention the places that you have cooperated with and the levels taught in them
* please leave their phone numbers

desired levels applying for teaching in this institute
write at least 150 words on why you have chosen to be an English teacher
availability per week
desired payment (in toman) per 90 minutes
you can upload your resume here ( حداکثر 5 MB ) : فایل های قابل قبول : gif,png,jpg,jpeg,xls,xlsx,doc,docx,pdf,zip,zipx,rar

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